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- articles_didactique_chimie @teaching
- * **[[|C... chemed.4c00404|Secondary School Teachers’ Beliefs about the Role of Culture in Chemistry Class and Their ... 01283|Teaching Design, Arts, and Fashion Students about Plastics and Recycling: The Use of Online and Off... hemistry by Using the Right Words: Why Is Talking about Compounds so Messy?]] * [[https://pubs.acs.or
- desinformations @teaching
-]] * [... ind3. However, many people still harbour concerns about them or oppose their use4,5. In a nationally repr... nd that as extremity of opposition to and concern about genetically modified foods increases, objective knowledge about science and genetics decreases, but perceived und
- psychologie_de_l_education @teaching
-|Five Common Misconceptions about Learning]] (5 conceptions erronées courantes sur l'apprentiss... erse. The most common—but not the only—hypothesis about the instructional relevance of learning styles is... en and adults will, if asked, express preferences about how they prefer information to be presented to th
- 5_conceptions_erronees_courantes_sur_l_apprentissage @teaching
- ====== Five Common Misconceptions about Learning (5 conceptions erronées courantes sur l'apprentissage) =... x, 28 mai 2019 ====== Five Common Misconceptions about Learning (texte original de Greg Ashman) ====== ...|Five Common Misconceptions about Learning]] (5 conceptions erronées courantes sur l'apprentiss
- python @floss
- /|Python : des fondamentaux à l'utilisation du lang...|Python 3 : des fondamentaux aux concepts avancés ... ://|Podcast.__init]]_ A podcast about Python and the people who make it great ==== Code... et soumis à une EULA) * [[|]] : générateur de ca
- biblio-10.1021-acs.chemrev.8b00020 @teaching
- ondary and College Students’ Implicit Assumptions about the Particulate Nature of Matter: Development and...|Misconceptions about the Particulate Nature of Matter. Using Animation... ions Inventory to Identify Student Misconceptions about Covalent and Ionic Bonding Representations]] J. C... etermination of Students’ Alternative Conceptions about Chemical Equilibrium: A Review of Research and th
- matplotlib_simple @teaching:progappchim
- : [[]] ===== Installat... 0 * [[|Everything about plotting in Python - From matplotlib to pandas.plot()]]... tps://|All you need to know about S
- timeline-chimie @teaching
- de canons. Il affirme que cette façon de procéder aboutit à l'arrangement le plus dense. Cette affirmatio... Il s'agit d'un des premiers efforts conscients et aboutis de présentation théorique systématisée de la do... | |Travaux de Charles sur la dilatation des gaz, aboutissant à la loi de Charles. | 1784 | | | | 17... ctue des travaux sur l'émission thermoïonique qui aboutiront à la loi qui porte son nom. | | | 1905 |A
- syntax @wiki
- ]] by using a colon in the pagename. For details about namespaces see [[doku>namespaces]]. Linking to a... s. For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: [[wp>Wiki]]. DokuWiki supports [[doku>I... For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: [[wp>Wiki]]. ==== Windows Shares ==== Wi... However, there will still be a JavaScript warning about trying to open a Windows Share. To remove this wa
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1 @teaching
- ce should be or when to use each method. I wrote about this paper back in May. (NDLR : cf. la section pr... owledge the importance of teaching young learners about the need to control variables and avoid confounds... people." </blockquote> I hope you enjoy reading about this debate. Traduction automatique : En 2022, ... by Zhang et al. (2022) to support their concerns about the unreserved acceptance and promotion of inquir
- the_need_for_a_theory_of_learning @teaching
- theory, teachers must make their own assumptions about how students learn. Unfortunately, many teachers ... fective, any pedagogy must mesh with what we know about how the mind learns and thinks. Cognitive researc... ance. * Prior knowledge: the more students know about a subject, the easier it is for them to learn more about that subject. * Misconceptions: misconceptions
- ressources_educatives_libres @floss
- ges libres de droit]] * [[]] ... depuis l'[[|aboutissement d'une campagne de récolte de fonds]]** ... ir-use]] * [[]] * [[http://www.drg
- adamboxer-approche_pas_a_pas_des_travaux_pratiques @teaching
- up to the students]. Based on what we have learnt about acids, what acid do you think we need to use to m... though, and look at Mike's desk. What isn't safe about Mike's desk?... Yeah, that's right. The acid is r... tly, it allows her to direct students to thinking about the actual practical. later on during this partic
- biblio-10.1021-ed074p262_10.1039-b801297k @teaching
- ach to the teaching of chemistry. What do we know about how students learn in the sciences, and how can w... ach to the teaching of chemistry. What do we know about how students learn in the sciences, and how can w... d consolidate their learning by asking themselves about what is going on in their own heads * There sho
- unites_acquis_apprentissages @teaching
- souple avec toute la classe, soit de manière plus aboutie avec de petits groupes d’élèves. La mise en œu... souple avec toute la classe, soit de manière plus aboutie avec de petits groupes d’élèves. La mise en œu... souple avec toute la classe, soit de manière plus aboutie avec de petits groupes d’élèves. Certaines str