Chemistry Education Research and Practice : fil RSS des derniers articles
Self-regulated learning strategies for success in an online first-year chemistry course
‘Seeing’ chemistry: investigating the contribution of mental imagery strength on students’ thinking in relation to visuospatial problem solving in chemistry.
Student's study behaviors as a predictor of performance in general chemistry I
Chemical bonding in Swedish upper secondary school education: a force-based teaching model for enhanced understanding
Design, development, and evaluation of the organic chemistry representational competence assessment (ORCA)
Psychometric analysis of the resonance concept inventory
A systematic review of green and sustainable chemistry training research with pedagogical content knowledge framework: current trends and future directions
“It is not just the shape, there is more”: students’ learning of enzyme–substrate interactions with immersive Virtual Reality
Contribution of an instructional module incorporating PhET simulations to Rwandan students' knowledge of chemical reactions, acids, and bases through social interactions
Investigating students' expectations and engagement in general and organic chemistry laboratory courses
Plurality and identity: on the educational relations between chemistry and physics