Un bonjour avec une ascii image sympa :
echo Bonjour $USER, nous sommes le `date +"%A %e %B %Y"`, et il est : `date +"%H"` h `date +"%M"` | cowsay -f $(/bin/ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows -1 | head -n $(expr $$$(date +%s) % $(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows | wc -w) + 1) | tail -n 1)
@researchfairy Sounds like an evolution of “this PDF attachment could have been plain-text email”. I believe we're moving in the wrong direction.
@researchfairy and of course “this PDF could have been a markdown document”
@researchfairy I did not know there were apps out there that could have been PDFs, and my quality of life has declined with this new information.
@crash I'm thinking of those apps where you use it as admission to some venue and all it does is show a QR code
@researchfairy That … that doesn't even need to be a PDF.
A PDF for a QR code is already unnecessary file bloat.
I hate everything about this.
@schratze The use case I had in mind today was a conference programme, one with maps and tables, and so I wouldn't have complained about it if it had been sent as PDF
But yes, I do much prefer plain-text
@researchfairy seriously though what's with all the google play store / ios app store apps that are just books with ads and why does anyone install them
@hotkey @researchfairy And this YouTube video could have been three paragraphs of text, and would have been more understandable.
Also part of the miniseries:
This popup shouldn't exist.
Why is this PDF 900 mb?
Deleting files can be permanent.
Everything on your website is not called a “tab.”
Why are you emailing me? Click the “forgot password” link.
Hi Kevin, As I mentioned in my six prior emails….
@researchfairy “This app is only capable of redirecting you to the website”