====== Notions avancées ======
En construction. Les liens sont juste donnés. Une introduction et un exemple devrait être proposé pour chaque rubrique, et le nombre de ces rubriques augmenté.
===== Itérateurs =====
==== Itertools, zip,... ====
* [[https://medium.com/techtofreedom/7-levels-of-using-the-zip-function-in-python-a4bd22ee8bcd|7 Levels of Using the Zip Function in Python]]
* itertools.cycle() est une méthode utile pour répéter ou parcourir sans fin les éléments d'une liste ou d'une table itérativitertools.accumulate()
* itertools.accumulate prend un itérable et une fonction d'accumulation, puis renvoie un itérateur.
===== Générateurs et "yield" =====
* [[http://fr.openclassrooms.com/informatique/cours/pratiques-avancees-et-meconnues-en-python/les-generateurs-2]]
* [[http://feldboris.alwaysdata.net/blog/python-les-iterateurs-et-les-generateurs-fr.html]]
* [[https://wiki.python.org/moin/Generators]]
* [[http://sahandsaba.com/combinatorial-generation-using-coroutines-in-python.html]]
* [[http://code.activestate.com/recipes/580628-pluggable-python-generators/]]
* [[http://www.datadependence.com/2016/08/pythonic-code-video-series-yield-generators/|Processing Large Data Sets With Yield and Generators]]
* [[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/return-vs-yield-in-python-a-short-comic-f714465a0e92|Return VS Yield in Python — A Short Comic]] Liu Zuo Lin, 04/2023, Medium
===== Liste en compréhension =====
* [[http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_en_compr%C3%A9hension]]
* [[http://www.pythonforbeginners.com/basics/list-comprehensions-in-python]]
* [[http://fgallaire.flext.net/comprehension-de-liste-en-python-map-filter/]], remplacement de map() et filter()
* [[http://www.python-course.eu/list_comprehension.php]], yc suppression de lambda er reduce()
* [[https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/python-list-comprehension]]
* [[https://gist.github.com/bearfrieze/a746c6f12d8bada03589]]
* [[https://medium.com/code-85/a-beginners-guide-to-python-list-comprehensions-7dbb0039f065|A Beginner’s Guide to Python List Comprehensions]] (Jonathan Hsu, Medium, 23/04/2020)
* [[https://iam-akshay.medium.com/python-one-liner-superb-tricks-c611aad98553|Python one-liner superb tricks]] Akshay Jain, Medium, 16/04/2022
* [[https://theanup.medium.com/10-powerful-python-one-liners-for-daily-use-8733dac0bc2c|15 Powerful Python One-Liners for Daily Use]] Anup Das, Medium, 22/11/2022
==== One-line if - then - else (ternary operator) ====
u = 10
v = 100
reponse = "u plus grand que v" if u > v else "v plus grand ou égal à u"
===== map, filter, reduce, lambda, pipe =====
* [[https://towardsdatascience.com/write-clean-python-code-using-pipes-1239a0f3abf5|Write Clean Python Code Using Pipes - A Short and Clean Approach to Processing Iterables]] Khuyen Tran, medium, october 2021
* [[https://towardsdatascience.com/comparing-list-comprehensions-vs-built-in-functions-in-python-which-is-better-1e2c9646fafe|Comparing List Comprehensions vs. Built-In Functions in Python: Which Is Better?
An in-depth analysis of syntax, readability, and performance]] Thomas A Dorfer, Medium, 21/03/2023
* ...
===== Walrus operator =====
===== Le rôle du caractère underscore en Python =====
* [[https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/role-underscore-python|Role of Underscore(_) in Python Tutorial - In this tutorial, you're going to learn about the uses of underscore(_) in python]] Hafeezul Kareem Shaik, Medium (DataCmap) October 26th, 2018
* [[https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/underscore-_-python/]]
===== Transformations et manipulations de chaînes (string) =====
* translate() : transformation sur base de correspondances entre des caractères (y compris des caractères spéciaux (\n, \t, \r,...)
* string.punctuation peut être utilisé pour enlever la ponctuation
* replace() : remplacement d'une sous-chaîne
* split() : découpe en une liste de sous-chaînes. Le caractère utilisé par défaut est l'espacement. Le nombre de découpe peut être précisé. rsplit() permet de commencer par la droite.
* partition() : découpe particulière → myString.partition("search string") renvoie un tuple de trois sous-chaînes : ( texte précédent, première occurence de la sous-chaîne cherchée, texte à la suite)
* strip(), lstrip(), rstrip() : élimine des caractères en début et/ou fin, par défaut les espacements
* zfill(n) : ajoute des zéros devant pour arriver à une longueur donnée
* ' '.join() : joint des sous-chaînes en liste pour créer une chaîne en ajoutant ' ' (dans cet exemple) comme sous-chaîne additionnelle
* upper() : capitalise
* lower()
* title() : capitalise les premières lettres des mots
* swapcase() : inverse capitales et bas de casse
* startswith('fizz'), endswith('buzz'), 'fizz buzz' in test_string : renvoie True ou False
===== Manipulations de fichiers =====
* module os
* [[https://towardsdatascience.com/8-must-know-file-system-operations-in-python-7dc185daeccd|8 Must-Know File System Operations In Python - The essential for Python in tasks automation apps]] Christopher Tao, Medium, 08/02/2021
* [[https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/directory|Python Directory and Files Management]] (tutorial)
* official documentation : [[https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html]]
* [[https://towardsdatascience.com/10-python-file-system-methods-you-should-know-799f90ef13c2|10 Python File System Methods You Should Know - Manipulate Files and Folders With os and shutil]] Jeff Hale, Medium, Feb 15, 2019 (pathlib, OS, shutil)
* [[https://medium.com/better-programming/the-top-10-file-handling-techniques-in-python-cf2330a16e7 : The Top 10 File Handling Techniques in Python - Make working with files easier]] Yong Cui, Aug 5, 2020
* [[https://medium.com/python-in-plain-english/manipulating-file-paths-with-python-72a76952b832]] ??
===== Expressions rationnelles (régulières) =====
* import re
* [[http://howchoo.com/g/zdvmogrlngz/python-regexes-findall-search-and-match]]
* [[https://docs.python.org/2/howto/regex.html]]
* [[http://linuxfr.org/news/travailler-avec-des-expressions-rationnelles]]
* [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expression_rationnelle]]
* [[http://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2015/06/regular-expression-python/|Beginners Tutorial for Regular Expressions in Python]]
* [[https://medium.com/@valeria.aynbinder.edu/python-regular-expressions-cheat-sheet-cd0992c36f6f|Python Regular Expressions — cheat sheet - Many code examples + useful tips]] Valeria Aynbinder, Medium, 17/03/2022
* ...
===== Décorateurs =====
* [[http://www.python-course.eu/python3_memoization.php]]
===== Context managers =====
===== Programmation orienté objet =====
Page dédiée : [[ppoo|Programmation Python Orientée Objet]]
* Exemples simples :
* [[http://nbviewer.ipython.org/url/bender.astro.sunysb.edu/classes/python-science/lectures/python-classes.ipynb]]
* [[http://jeffknupp.com/blog/2014/06/18/improve-your-python-python-classes-and-object-oriented-programming/]]
==== Divers ====
* Définir ses propres types : stack, queue, tree + algorithms : [[https://towardsdatascience.com/data-structures-algorithms-in-python-68c8dbb19c90|Data Structures & Algorithms in Python]] by Papa Moryba Kouate, Aug, 2020, Towards Data Science
===== Closures =====
* [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36636/what-is-a-closure]]
* [[http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/40454/what-is-a-closure]]
===== Programmation fonctionnelle =====
* [[http://www.pysnap.com/functional-programming-in-python/|Functional Programming in Python]] (FIXME)
* Map, filter, reduce :
* [[https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-replace-your-python-for-loops-with-map-filter-and-reduce-c1b5fa96f43a|How To Replace Your Python For Loops with Map, Filter, and Reduce - Write more semantic code with functional programming]]
===== Débogage, debugging =====
* [[https://towardsdatascience.com/stop-using-print-to-debug-in-python-use-icecream-instead-79e17b963fcc|Stop Using Print to Debug in Python. Use Icecream Instead]]
===== Sous le capot (bytecode,...) =====
* [[https://medium.com/swlh/efficiently-checking-for-an-empty-list-in-python-76b76099fbd3|Efficiently Checking for an Empty List in Python]] Frank Scholl, Medium, Nov 22, 2019 → comparaison des bytecodes Python/C générés pour 3 solutions proposées
===== Performances, temps d'exécution, ... =====
* [[https://towardsdatascience.com/making-python-programs-blazingly-fast-c1cd79bd1b32|Making Python Programs Blazingly Fast]], 01/01/2020
===== Tests unitaires =====
===== Python Scripting =====
* [[https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/running-a-python-script|How to Run Python Scripts]]
===== Interface utilisateur graphique (GUI) =====
* [[https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/how-to-build-your-first-desktop-application-in-python-7568c7d74311|How to build your first Desktop Application in Python]] Ampofo Amoh - Gyebi, Medium, 12/12/2020
===== emails =====
smtplib et poplib :
* [[https://twitter.com/driscollis/status/1508506999268552713]]
* [[https://twitter.com/driscollis/status/1508570173606928386]]
import smtplib
HOST = "smtp.mydomain.com"
SUBJECT = "Test email from Python"
TO = "mike@mydomain.com"
FROM = "python@mydomain.com"
text = "blah blah blah"
BODY = "\r\n".join((
f"From: {FROM}",
f"To: {TO}",
f"Subject: {SUBJECT}",
server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST)
server.sendmail(FROM, [TO], BODY)
import poplib
mailbox = poplib.POP3('pop3.host.com')
numMessages = len(mailbox.list()[1])
for i in range(numMessages):
for j in mailbox.retr(i+1)[1]:
===== Création et gestion de packages =====
* [[https://medium.com/jacklee26/how-to-create-the-first-python-package-de6464799bc3|How to create the first python package]] ChenChih, Medium, Dec 18, 2021
===== Références =====
* [[https://dacus-augustus.medium.com/top-12-most-important-python-concepts-24f59945a409|Top 12 most important Python concepts]] Dacus Augustus, Medium, Feb 23 2021
* [[https://medium.com/pythonland/10-advanced-python-tricks-to-write-faster-cleaner-code-f9ee76fa878f|10 Advanced Python Tricks To Write Faster, Cleaner Code - From slotted classes to replacing lists with tuples]] Erik van Baaren, Medium, 30/06/2021