====== Logiciels libres divers ====== FIXME - à ranger : * [[https://sill.etalab.gouv.fr/software]] * [[https://framalibre.org/annuaires/logiciel]] * [[https://comptoir-du-libre.org/fr/softwares]] * [[https://www.jdbonjour.ch/logiciel-libre/]] * [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_de_logiciels_libres]] * [[https://alternativeto.net/]] * [[https://code.gouv.fr/#/libs|code.gouv.fr ─ Bibliothèques ─ Libraries]] * [[https://code.gouv.fr/#/sill|code.gouv.fr ─ Socle Interministériel De Logiciels Libres ─ Recommended Free Software]] * [[https://twitter.com/codegouvfr/status/1555193400277753856|code.gouv.fr sur Twitter : “Un petit pas pour le SILL (socle interministériel de #LogicielsLibres), un grand pas pour l’administration: la liste des logiciels recommandés est de nouveau publiée en PDF: https:%%//%%t.co/awbnFAOvKH … et en Markdown https:%%//%%t.co/7EBfQeGRod et Org-mode https:%%//%%t.co/SUScpXTCD5. https:%%//%%t.co/2XJmHImwiv” / Twitter]] * [[https://code.gouv.fr/data/sill.pdf|Socle interministériel de logiciels libres - sill.pdf]] * [[https://code.gouv.fr/data/sill.md|code.gouv.fr/data/sill.md]] * [[https://affine.pro/|AFFiNE - All In One Workos]] * [[https://github.com/toeverything/AFFiNE#roadmap|toeverything/AFFiNE: There can be more than Notion and Miro. Affine is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use.]] * [AppFlowy.IO](https://www.appflowy.io/) * [AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy: AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.](https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/appflowy) * [AppFlowy (@appflowy) / Twitter](https://twitter.com/appflowy) * [[https://proton.me/blog/whatsapp-alternatives|Best WhatsApp alternatives for privacy]] Douglas Crawford, Proton, 09/12/2022 * [[kanboard]] * agenda sur serveurs : * [[https://radicale.org/3.0.html|radicale]] → [[Radicale]] * [[https://sabre.io/baikal/|Baïkal]] * enquêtes : * [[limesurvey]] Voir aussi la recherche d'une solution pour la [[gestion_agendas_stages|gestion des agendas des stages d'enseignement]] ! ===== Prise de notes ===== * logiciels propriétaires * evernote (Mac, Win, android, iOS), payant * Microsoft OneNote (Mac, Win, android, iOS), gratuit * Obsidian : propriétaire, mais versions gratuites y compris sous GNU/Linux (cf. [[https://tomklimq.medium.com/how-to-transform-your-note-taking-with-your-second-brain-notetakingtransition-part-3-ff131224aab5]]) * [[https://medium.com/interviewnoodle/best-note-taking-app-for-non-note-takers-c888180b275a|Best Note Taking App For Non-Note Takers…]] * [[https://medium.com/mlearning-ai/i-wanted-a-perfect-note-taking-workflow-for-my-data-science-learnings-and-i-settled-for-this-c0e84b56e34e|I Wanted a Perfect Note-taking Workflow for My Data Science learnings, and I Settled For This]] Harshit Sharma, Medium, 09/01/2023 * wiki * DokuWiki LAMP (serveur, y compris serveur personnel) * [[https://tiddlywiki.com/|TiddlyWiki]] (un seul fichier html !!) * [[https://zim-wiki.org/|Zim wiki]] (installation Win, Mac, Linux) * Markdown, autres formats et gestion de notes (yc backlinks, server, backup,...) * [[https://pkmjournal.com/markdown-introduction-a52579ec3be7|Markdown introduction]] Sébastien Dubois, Medium, 22/04/2022 * [[https://github.com/marktext/marktext|MarkText]] * [[Joplin]] * [[https://simplenote.com/|Simplenote]] * [[https://hedgedoc.org/|Hedge Doc]] (anciennement CodiMD) * [[https://www.zettlr.com/|Zettlr: A Markdown editor for the 21st century]] * [[https://geekflare.com/fr/best-markdown-editors/]] * [[https://sourceforge.net/software/markdown-editors/android/]] * Conversion entre formats : pandoc * ... * travail collectif en temps réel sur un seul document : [[https://etherpad.org/|Etherpad]] (sur serveur) * Méthodologie et conseils * [[https://pkmjournal.com/effective-note-taking-tips-5bc61ed8dc50|Effective note-taking tips - Top tips for effective note-taking]] Sébastien Dubois, Medium, 05/12/2022 ===== sysadmin ===== * [[https://relax-and-recover.org/|Relax-and-Recover]] is a setup-and-forget Linux bare metal disaster recovery solution. It is easy to set up and requires no maintenance so there is no excuse for not using it ===== Mots de passe ===== * standalone * keepass (win/mac) * keepassx (Linux) * [[https://keepassxc.org/|KeepassXC]] (win/mac/linux) * addon Firefox : [[https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/keepassxc-browser/]] * Web (libre ? nonlibre ?) * [[https://keeweb.info/]] (compatible keepass(x), serveur + fichier local) * la base peut être placée sur un partage webdav (cf. i.e. [[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-webdav-access-with-apache-on-ubuntu-18-04|this]]) * bitwarden * lastpass * dashlane * ... ===== Web ===== * navigateurs * [[firefox|Firefox]] * Générateurs de sites statiques (cf. ce comparateur : [[https://jamstack.org/generators/]]) * Jekyll (Ruby) * Pelican (Python) * Hugo (Go) * Publii - Getpublii (JS) * Gridsome (JS) * Eleventy (JS) * [[https://docusaurus.io/fr/docs|Docusaurus]] (JS) * Aspirateurs de site * [[https://www.httrack.com/page/1/fr/index.html|HTTrack]] → apt-get install webhttrack ===== Multimedia : images, sons et vidéos ===== * [[OBS_Studio|OBS Studio]] Logiciel libre et open source d'enregistrement vidéo et de streaming en direct * [[audacity|Audacity]] et conseils pour podcast,... * [[avidemux|Avidemux]] : transcodage vidéo et édition * Images bitmap et photographies : * GIMP * [[https://darktable.fr/]], [[https://www.darktable.org/]] * [[https://photoflare.io/]] * Images vectorielles * Inkscape * Draw (libreoffice) * ... ===== Utilitaires ===== * [[https://jrnl.sh/|jrnl]] is a simple journal application for your command line. Requires pip so first run "sudo apt-get install python-pip". Then you can install it by doing "sudo pip install jrnl" * [[unison]] : logiciel de synchronisation de fichiers, permettant de créer et gérer des sauvegardes de répertoires. La synchronisation est bidirectionnelle. * RClone.org (backup,...) * Générateurs de codes barre, QR Codes,... * [[https://www.zint.org.uk/|Zint]] * [[https://github.com/zint/zint]] * [[https://opensource.com/article/21/2/zint-barcode-generator]] * [[https://www.barcode-generator.org/]] (site web utilisant zint) * plugin DokuWiki... ===== Backup, archivage, sauvegarde,... ===== * [[https://www.techradar.com/best/best-cloud-backup|Best cloud backup of 2023 | TechRadar]] * [[https://www.techradar.com/news/getting-to-the-bottom-of-the-difference-between-cloud-sync-backup-and-storage|Cloud storage vs Cloud backup vs Cloud sync : What’s the difference? | TechRadar]] * [[https://www.techradar.com/features/3-2-1-backup-strategy-what-is-it|3-2-1 backup strategy, what is it? | TechRadar]] * unison, rsync,... ... ===== Apache serveur http ===== * [[http://httpd.apache.org/]] * [[http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/fr/]] : documentation (2.4 fr) ===== javascript - html - css ===== * sites * [[https://www.w3schools.com/]] * codepen * [[https://jsfiddle.net/]] * ... * overlay slider two images * exemples * [[https://www.microscope.healthcare.nikon.com/fr_EU/products/software/nis-elements/nis-ai-1]] * [[https://jameskennedymonash.wordpress.com/2021/05/12/all-new-annotated-vce-chemistry-data-book-for-2021-vce-chemistry-course/]], using [[https://jetpack.com/support/jetpack-blocks/image-compare-block/]] * [[https://zayedbaloch.com/twenty20-image-before-after/]], using [[https://wordpress.org/plugins/twenty20/]] * codes * [[https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/js-image-comparison-sliders/]] * [[https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_image_comparison.asp]] * Node.JS (FIXME) * [[https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/nodejs]] * [[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-node-js-application-for-production-on-ubuntu-18-04]] * [[https://linuxnightly.com/how-to-host-a-node-js-website-with-apache-on-ubuntu/]] * [[https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-set-up-a-node-js-762e08c8c04a|How to Set up a Node.JS Application for Production Using PM2 Process Manager and Nginx as a Reverse Proxy]] 2020 * [[https://vedmant.com/setup-node-js-production-application-apache-multiple-virtual-host-server/|How to setup Node.js production application on Apache multiple virtual host server]] * [[https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/websites/web-development/nodejs-for-a-website-with-apache-on-ubuntu/|Set up a Node.js app for a website with Apache on Ubuntu 16.04]] * [[https://javascript.plainenglish.io/running-a-nodejs-application-on-an-apache-production-server-4d3cca078f94|Running a Node.js Application on an Apache Production Server]] * [[https://tecadmin.net/apache-frontend-proxy-nodejs/|How to Setup Apache As Frontend Proxy for Node.js]] * [[https://medium.com/@sumitnair89/configure-apache-with-node-js-application-on-aws-ubuntu-18-04-server-for-different-http-ports-4e6838c7357f|Configure Apache with Node.js application on AWS Ubuntu 18.04]] * [[https://www.cloudbooklet.com/setup-node-js-with-apache-proxy-on-ubuntu-18-04-for-production/|Setup Node.js with Apache Proxy on Ubuntu 18.04 for Production]] * Node Express * installer nodeJS : [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Express_Nodejs/development_environment#express_development_environment_overview]] * déploiement : [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Express_Nodejs/deployment]] * [[https://medium.com/@nutanbhogendrasharma/host-node-express-application-in-apache-webserver-in-ubuntu-server-a8718ace324e]] * [[http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/~boussemart/express/chapter01.html|Créer un serveur avec Express.js]] * [[https://handyman.dulare.com/proxying-node-application-through-apache/|Proxying Node application through Apache]] (My Express-based Node.js application is ...) ===== Bases de données ===== * [[duckdb|DuckDB]] (sqlite "en mieux") ===== F-Droid ===== * repository d'applications libre sous Android ===== NextCloud ===== * [[https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/nextcloud-serveur]] ===== Scans sur smartphone (utiles pour étudiants, examens,...) ===== * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.scan.android&hl=fr]] Adobe Scan (Android) * [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1199564834]] Adobe Scan Digital PDF Scanner (iOS) * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.office.officelens]] Microsoft Office Lens - PDF Scanner (Android) * [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-office-lens-pdf-scan/id975925059]] Microsoft Office Lens|PDF Scan (iOS) * Référence : [[https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-mobile-scanning-apps/]] : The Best Mobile Scanning Apps * [[https://f-droid.org/packages/com.todobom.opennotescanner/]] Open Note Scanner (pour Android, logiciel libre disponible sur F-Droid) ===== Livres, bibliothèques,... ===== * [[calibre|Calibre]] * tellico * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/obiblio/]] Openbiblio * pmb - phpmybibli - [[https://www.sigb.net/index.php?lvl=cmspage&pageid=6&id_rubrique=1&opac_view=1]] * **koha** - [[https://koha-community.org/]] * vufind - [[https://vufind.org/vufind/]] * evergreen - [[https://evergreen-ils.org/]] * greenstone - [[https://www.linuxlinks.com/Greenstone/]] * [[https://www.biblibre.com/fr/|BibLibre]] : société de services et logiciels libres pour bibliothèques. Solutions proposées : * [[https://www.biblibre.com/fr/koha/]] Koha * [[https://omeka.org/]] Omeka : Gestion de bibliothèque numérique libre FIXME : * [[https://www.saashub.com/openbiblio-alternatives]] * vocabulaire : * MARC & UNIMARC : [[wp>fr:Format_MARC]] et [[wp>fr:Format_Unimarc]] : format permettant le catalogage, le traitement et l’échange de données bibliographiques sous forme informatisée * OPAC : [[wp>fr:Online_public_access_catalog|Online public access catalog]] * SIGB : Système Intégré de Gestion de Bibliothèque Liseuses personnelles : * [[https://news.itsfoss.com/librum-reader/|Librum: Promising New Open-Source e-book Reader That Lets You Create an Online Library]] * ... ===== Digital humanities ===== * [[wp>Digital humanities|Digital_humanities]] * [[wp>fr:Humanités_numériques|Humanités numériques]] * logiciels divers * [[wp>Omeka|Omeka]] * [[https://docs.collectiveaccess.org/wiki/Main_Page|CollectiveAccess]] ===== FFmpeg ===== * documentation officielle : [[https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html]] * [[https://itsfoss.com/ffmpeg/|Install and Use ffmpeg in Ubuntu & Other Linux - Full Guide]] * thread twitter : [[https://twitter.com/alainmi11/status/1291338119258742785]] * [[https://img.ly/blog/ultimate-guide-to-ffmpeg/|FFmpeg - The Ultimate Guide]] ===== WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux ===== Probablement propriétaire et non libre, ce mode de fonctionnement sous Windows permet de faire fonctionner de manière efficace des logiciels prévus pour Linux dans une machine fonctionnant sous Windows. * [[https://medium.com/pythonland/this-is-why-developers-are-embracing-microsoft-windows-again-6102f15ba51e]]