Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Résultats plein texte:
- rappels-proba-stat
- 41\times 40\times 39 = {45! \over 38!}=228713284800$ ou deux cent vingt-huit milliards sept cent trei... [[]] → "Il y a 60% de chance d'observer a
- thermodynamique_statistique-exercices
- * [[|Introduction to Stochastic Simulations for Che... 017 94 (12), 1904-1910 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00395 **physical-chemistry undergraduate; programmin... [[|A Tale of Two Molecules: How the Heat Capaciti... 19, 96 (5), pp 926–935 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00029 * Spectre de vibration,... de <chem>Hg2</che
- lancer_pieces
- [nflips])) # theoretical distribution nb = 102400 heads = [nheads(nflips) for j in range(nb)] #prin
- rotation_vibration_molecules_biatomiques
- rapport à la température ambiante), par exemple 2000 - 3000 K Rotation : * niveaux $E_{rot} = J(J+1) k_B \theta_{rot} \ \ \ \ \ J=0,1,2,... \,$, dégéné... * [[|Misconceptions in the Exploding Flask Demonstr... , 94 (9), pp 1209–1216 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00281 ===== Références ===== * [[http://en.wikip
- paradoxe_anniversaires
- autiful/comments/7l9ef7/i_simulated_and_animated_500_instances_of_the/]], simulation * [[https://tow... had the same *exact* hand twice? It's around 1,900 hands that it becomes more likely than not to hav... he same hand twice. That's just 19 evenings with 100 hands each. Many (most?) of you reading this have... n than not. In the phone numbers example, sqrt(10,000) = 100, and the 50% point happens with 118 peopl
- tp_simulations_monte-carlo_2019
- marche aléatoire avec un grand nombre de pas (n=1000 par exemple); vérifier (via un fit) que l'on obt
- lancer_de_polyedre
- }} ===== Énoncé ===== - On lance un dé (norm
- cv_vibration_einstein
- "K (J mol-1 K-1)";"T";"K (J mol-1 K-1)" "12,9";"0,00053";"76,1";"0,092" "16,1";"0,00081";"87";"0,147" "19,8";"0,00138";"100,4";"0,24" "24,1";"0,00257";"113,1";"0,378" "30,1";"0,00494";"126,3";"0,56" "33,4";"0,0074";"
- photons
- :Loi_de_Rayleigh-Jeans|Loi de Rayleigh-Jeans]] (1900) Les photons suivent les hypothèses suivantes : ... )";"signal thermopile (u.a.)" "30";"2" "60";"3" "100";"4" "140";"7" "180";"9" "220";"14" "260";"18" "300";"24" "340";"30" "360";"35" </csv> Conclure par
- simulations_random_walks_codes
- or for i in range(10): print(randint(1000,9999)) print(" ") </code> ===== Histogramme... initialization seed() rval = [] for j in range(100000): rval.append(randint(0,99)) # append to the list a random (integer) number between 0 and 99... nter import * import time window = Tk() sizex = 400 sizey = 200 canvas = Canvas(window, width = sizex
- sequences_brins_adn
- : ln(j!) ~= j ln(j) - j print(pi) for i in range(100,100*n,100): print(i,logfactstir(4*i)-4.*logfactstir(i), 4*i*log(4)) # très grands nombres print(pi) for i in range(10000,10000*n,10000): print(i,logfactstir(4*i)-4.
- plus_ca_rate_plus_on_a_de_chance_que_ca_marche
- rique]] sur wikiversité {{url> 900px,1200px}}
- cv_vibration_einstein-solutions
- nter points xlabel="Température (K)" xrange=0.0:1300.0 ylabel=" Capacité calorifique massique du diamant" yrange=-0.0:2.0 800x800> 215 0.217 264 0.348 273 0.433 280 0.452 306 0.549 335 0.65 363 0.751 412 0.983 471 1.21... la température jusqu'à une température proche de 1000 K !</note> ===== Modèle d'Einstein ===== * Qu
- entropie_gaz_rares_alcalins
- z^ s (J.mol-1.K-1) ^ M (g) ^ |He| 126.02| 4.0026| |Ne| 146.23| 20.183| |Ar| 154.72| 39.948| ... .58| 131.30| |Rn| 176.23| 222| |H| 114.59| 1.0079| |Li| 138.66| 6.939| |Na| 153.59| 22.9898| |K| 160.25| 39.102| |Rb| 170.00| 85.47| |Cs| 175.48| 132.91| * Porter judic